Patent Tips to protect against product copycats

Worried About Product Copycats? 5 Patent Tips to Get Ahead of the Fast Followers

When your idea is really, really good, it’s almost inevitable that someone is going to copy it. Retroactive legal action is difficult and expensive, so follow these patent tips to get ahead of product copycats, knockoffs, and fast followers.

Read This Before You Become an Amazon Reseller

Amazon sounds like a great way to get your product out there — billions of shoppers, cross-promotions, and paid spots on the biggest online retailer in the world. But beware of the terms you are signing when you establish that reseller account. There’s a lot in the fine print that can easily undermine your e-commerce efforts!

Protecting Your Intellectual Property: Operating, Employment, and Founders’ Agreements

As soon as you bring other people into your business, you’re putting your intellectual property (IP) at risk. Whether that person is a co-founder or employee, no matter how good your relationship is with them, they pose a threat to your company’s IP. The best way to ensure protection on all sides? Draw up an operating, employment, and/or founders’ agreement as soon as you bring another person into the mix.

5 Common Issues With DIY Trademarking

On its surface, the trademark application filing process is relatively uncomplicated. The trademark office offers an online form for preparing and filing your trademark application and it’s simple and easy to use. All you need are basic computer skills and — voila! — you have a trademark application on file. If it’s all so simple, why does our firm see so many issues?